Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft

Institute of Cognitive Science

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Cognitive Science sounds interesting? Give it a try!

Next Schnupperwoche: June 2 - 6, 2025


The CogSci "Schnupperwoche" (trial study experience) is meant for everybody who considers studying Cognitive Science in Osnabrück; specifically

  • High school graduates, Abiturienten and students in their last year of high school / abitur
  • Students of other disciplines who consider changing to Cognitive Science
  • Students of related disciplines who are interested in pursing a Master's degree in Cognitive Science

The "Schnupperwoche" is organised by the student body and mentoring team and offers a relaxed atmosphere to get to know the university, lectures, research topics, lecturers, fellow students and the city of Osnabrück. After three days, you will be able to make an informed decision about whether or not Cognitive Science is the right thing for you.

Participation is free of charge. To minimise your costs, other Cognitive Science students offer to accommodate you; spots wil be given out in order of registration.

What is on the schedule?

We will start on the first evening with a social get together in the gardens behind the university's main building, the "SchloGa". Here, you will meet your hosts and organizers.
In the following days, we will give you the opportunity to visit lectures and additionally we are offering a social program. This can be for example a shared meal at the mensa, a city rallye or events in the evening.

For students, who are interested in the master program, we can put together an individual program out of seminars and lectures according to personal preferences.


If you want to informed right away once the date is fixed and the registration opens, you can leave your email address here.


Contact the CogSci Mentoring Team via mail to:

We are looking forward to meet you!