
Recent Academic Publications
Up-to-date lists of recent academic publications are maintained by each workgroup.
On the left you can find a list of our workgroups. Here are some direct links to publication lists:
- Publications from the Artificial Intelligence Group (Prof. Dr. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger)
- Publications from the Comparative Biocognition Group (Prof. Dr. Simone Pika)
- Publications from the Computer Vision Group (Prof. Dr. Gunther Heidemann)
- Publications from the Ethics of AI Group (Prof. Dr. Rainer Mühlhoff)
- Publications from the Machine Learning Group (Prof. Dr. Tim Kietzmann)
- Publications from the Neuroinformatics Group (Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa)
- Publications from the Neurobiopsychology Group (Prof. Dr. Peter König)
- Publications from the Philosophy of Mind Group (Prof. Dr. Sven Walter and Prof. i.R. Dr. Achim Stephan)
- Publications from the Psycho- and Neurolinguistics Group (Prof. Dr. Nicole Gotzner)

PICS - Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science
The Publications of the Institute of Cognitive Science is a series hosted by OsnaDocs, the university's institutional repository. It publishes outstanding theses, project reports, technical reports, workshop proceedings, and other works related to the Institute of Cognitive Science. All PICS publications receive a DOI.
Members of the institute can hand in their works that will be exmined by our editorial board:
- Annette Hohenberger
- Simone Pika
- Gordon Pipa
- Achim Stephan
- Tobias Thelen
This is our list of recent publications:
The full series can always be accessed via OsnaDocs.

Student Journal
The Cognitive Science Student Journal publishes student works from all disciplines of Cognitive Science. In the Kaleidoscience Podcast students get a chance to talk about their own ideas and projects.
Read more: Cognitive Science Student Journal