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Dr. rer. nat.Farbod Nosrat Nezami
Postdoctoral researcher
Room VR Lab (50/119)
Institute of Cognitive Science,
Wachsbleiche 27,
49090 Osnabrück, Germany
Research Interests
As a hardware engineer, I am interested in hardware based AI. I have a passion for ANNs and ML, but in general, I focus on XR and their possible applications.
Current Project
Is a joint PHD project (supervised by Prof. Dr. Peter König and Prof. Dr. Gordon Pipa) in a realistic VR Simulation of a City, called Project Westdrive. It uses AI controlled, self- driving cars in an eye-tracking experiment, to unveil questions about human trust in ADVs.
Also I currently redesign the Traumschreiber - a mobile EEG device.
(105) Westdrive X LoopAR: An Open-Access Virtual Reality Project in Unity for Evaluating User Interaction Methods during Takeover Requests
F Nezami,MA Wächter, N Maleki, P Spaniol, L Kühne, A Haas, J Pingel, L Tiemann, F Nienhaus, L Keller, S König, P König, G Pipa
(102) From Interaction to Cooperation: a new approach for human-machine interaction research for closing the out-of-the-loop unfamiliarity
MA Wächter, F Nezami, N Maleki, P Spaniol, L Kühne, A Haas, J Pingel, L Tiemann, F Nienhaus, L Keller, S König, P König, G Pipa
(101) WestDrive X LoopAR: An open-access virtual reality project in Unity for evaluating user interaction methods during TOR.
FN Nezami, MA Wächter, N Maleki, P Spaniol, LM Kühne, A Haas, JM Pingel, L Tiemann, F Nienhaus, L Keller, S König, P König, G Pipa
(98) Project Westdrive: Unity City With Self-Driving Cars and Pedestrians for Virtual Reality Studies
FN. Nezami, MA Wächter, G Pipa and P König
Frontiers in ICT
(92) Moral judgements on the actions of self-driving cars and human drivers in dilemma situations from different perspectives
N Kallioinen, M Pershina, J Zeiser, F Nosrat Nezami,G Pipa, A Stephan, P König
Frontiers in psychology