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Prof. Dr. Peter König h-indexed: 82 (Google Scholar)
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2025 - current preprints & in press
256. Solzbacher J, König P, Walter S (2025) Embodying “good” and “bad”: the emergent bodily meaning of approach- and avoidance-behavior Philosophical Psychology, 1–32.
255. Grasso-Cladera A, Madrid-Carvajal M, Walter S, König P (2025) Approach–Avoidance Bias in Virtual and Real-World Simulations: Insights from a Systematic Review of Experimental Setups Brain Sci. 2025, 15(2), 103
P49. Nolte D, Vidal De Palol M, Keshava A, Madrid-Carvajal J, Gert AL, von Butler E, Kömürlüoglu P, König P (2024) Combining EEG and Eye-Tracking in Virtual Reality - Obtaining Fixation-Onset ERPs and ERSPs bioRxiv 2024.04.24.590885
P48. Amme C, Sulewski P, Spaak E, Hebart MN, König P, Kietzmann TC (2024) Saccade onset, not fixation onset, best explains early responses across the human visual cortex during naturalistic vision 2024.10.25.620167
P47. Nolte D, Schmidt V, Grasso-Cladera A, König P (2024) Investigating saccade-onset locked EEG signatures of face perception during free-viewing in a naturalistic virtual environment bioRxiv 2024
254. Kobrock K, Solzbacher J, Gotzner N, König P (2024) Feeling good, approaching the positive Frontiers in Psychology, Vol. 15-2024
253. Keshava A, Nezami FN, Neumann H, Izdebski K, Schüler T, König P (2024) Just-in-time: Gaze guidance in natural behavior PLoS Comput Biol 20(10): e1012529.
P46. Matić K, Tafech I, König P, Haynes J-D (2024) Temporal dynamics and readout latency in perception and iconic memory bioRxiv 2024.10.07.616988
252. Huang A, Derakhshan S, Madrid-Carvajal J, Nosrat Nezami F, Wächter MA, Pipa G, König P (2024) Enhancing Safety in Autonomous Vehicles: The Impact of Auditory and Visual Warning Signals on Driver Behavior and Situational Awareness Vehicles 2024, 6(3), 1613-1636
251. Ramôa G, Schmidt V, Schwarz Th, Stiefelhagen R, König P (2024) SONOICE! A Sonar-Voice Dynamic User Interface for Assisting Individuals with Blindness and Visual Impairment in Pinpointing Elements in 2D Tactile Readers. doi: 10.3389/fresc.2024.1368983. Front. Rehabil. Sci. Sec. Disability, Rehabilitation, and Inclusion 5-2024 I
P45. Mühlinghaus S, Schmidt V, König P (2024) The Three Stages of Learning to Master a Sensory Augmentation Device: Activation - Acquisition - Integration. bioRxiv 2024.07.17.603884
C72. Walter JL, Schmidt V, König SU, König P (2024). Visual behavior during spatial exploration explains individual differences in performance of spatial navigation tasks. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46.
P44. Huang A, Pink M, Zemliak K, Czeszumski A, König P (2024). Choice History Biases in Dyadic Decision-Making. Research Square
250. Nolte D, Vidal De Palol M, Keshava A, Madrid-Carvajal J, Gert AL, von Butler E, Kömürlüoglu P, König P (2024). Combining EEG and eye-tracking in virtual reality: Obtaining fixation-onset event-related potentials and event-related spectral perturbations. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
249. Derakhshan S, Nosrat Nezami F, Wächter MA, Stephan A, Pipa G, König P (2024). A Situated Inspection of Autonomous Vehicle Acceptance – A Population Study in Virtual Reality. International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1–20.
248. Powell P, Pätzold F, Rouygari M, Furtak M, Kärcher SM, König P (2024) Helping Blind People Grasp: Evaluating a Tactile Bracelet for Remotely Guiding Grasping Movements. Sensors 2024, 24, 2949
P43. Nolte D, Hjoj R, Sanchez Pacheco T, Huang A, König P (2024) Investigating Proxemics Behaviors Towards Individuals, Pairs, and Groups in Virtual Reality. Research Square
P42. Keshava A, Wächter MA, Boße F, Schüler K, König P (2024) Low-Dimensional Representations of Visuomotor Coordination for Natural Behavior. bioRxiv
C71. Walter JL, Schmidt V, König SU, König P. (2023) Navigating Virtual Worlds: Examining Spatial Navigation Using a Graph Theoretical Analysis of Eye Tracking Data Recorded in Virtual Reality
Proceedings of the 2023 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications, 1-2
P40. Anthes D, Thorat S, König P, Kietzmann TC. (2023) Diagnosing Catastrophe: Large parts of accuracy loss in continual learning can be accounted for by readout misalignment
P39. Anthes D, Thorat S, Kietzmann TC, König P (2023) Balancing stability and plasticity in continual learning: the readout-decomposition of activation change (RDAC) framework arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.04741
247. Clay V, Pipa G, Kühnberger KU, König P (2023) Development of Few-Shot Learning Capabilities in Artificial Neural Networks When Learning through Self-Supervised Interaction IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis & Machine Intelligence, 1-12
246. Kaduk T, Goeke C, Finger H, König P (2023) Webcam eye tracking close to laboratory standards: Comparing a new webcam-based system and the EyeLink 1000 Behavior Research Methods
245. Schmidt V, König SU, Dilawar R, Sanchez Pacheco T, König P (2023) Improved Spatial Knowledge Acquisition through Sensory Augmentation Brain Sciences, 13(5), 720
244. Keshava A, Gottschewsky N, Balle S, Nezami FN, Schüler T, & König P (2023) Action Affordance affects Proximal and Distal Goal-oriented Planning European Journal of Neuroscience, 000– 000
243. Wahn B, König P, Kingstone A (2023) Predicting group benefits in joint multiple object tracking Atten Percept Psychophys 85, 1962–1975
P38. Keshava A, N Gottschewsky, S Balle, F Nezami, T Schüler, P König (2022) Action Affordance Affects Proximal and Distal Goal-oriented Planning Authorea Preprints
242. Solzbacher J, Czeszumski A, Walter S, König P (2022) Evidence for the Embodiment of the Automatic Approach Bias (2022) Frontiers in Psychology. Volume 13-2022
241. Ramôa G, Schmidt V, König P (2022) Developing Dynamic Audio Navigation UIs to Pinpoint Elements in Tactile Graphics Multimodal Technol. Interact. 2022,6(12), 113;
240. Gert AL, Ehinger BV, Timm S, Kietzmann TC and König P (2022) Wild lab: A naturalistic free viewing experiment reveals previously unknown EEG signatures of face processing 239. European Journal of Neuroscience Volume 56, Issue 11p. 6022-6038
239. Ohmer X, Marino M, Franke M, König P (2022) Mutual influence between language and perception in multi-agent communication games PLOS Computational Biology 18 (10), e1010658
P37. Keshava A, Nezami FN, Neumann H, Izdebski K, Schüler Th, König P (2022) Low-level Action Schemas Support Gaze Guidance Behavior for Action Planning and Execution in Novel Tasks
238. Engel AK, Verschure PFMJ, Kragic D, Polani D, Effenberg AO, König P (2022) Editorial: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Cognition Front. Hum. Neurosci. 16:971133
237. Walter JL, Essmann, L, König SU, König, P (2022) Finding landmarks - An investigation of viewing behavior during spatial navigation in VR using a graph-theoretical analysis approach PLoS Comput Biol 18(6): e1009485P36
P36. Walter JL, Zerbe JA, Schmidt V, Tiemann L, Mildt M, Pätzold F, Nezami FN, König P, Czeszumski, A (2022) LightNet: a networking library to perform multi-participant experiments in Virtual Reality
237. Derakhshan S, Nezami FN, Wächter MA, Czeszumski A, Keshava A, Lukanov H, Vidal De Palol M, Pipa G, König P (2022) Talking Cars, Doubtful Users-A Population Study in Virtual Reality. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
P35. Gert AL, Ehinger BV, Timm S, Kietzmann TC and König P (2022) Preprint. Wild lab: A naturalistic free viewing experiment reveals previously unknown EEG signatures of face processing. bioRxiv
236. Czeszumski A, Liang S, Dikker S, König P, Lee CP, Koole S, Kelsen B (2022) Cooperative behavior evokes inter-brain synchrony in the prefrontal and temporoparietal cortex: A systematic review and meta-analysis of fNIRS hyperscanning and meta-analysis of fNIRS hyperscanning studies eNeuro
P34. Solzbacher J, Czeszumski A, Walter S, König P (2022) Evidence for the Embodiment of the Automatic Approach Bias
235. Brandebusemeyer CS, Luther AR, König SU, König P and Kärcher S (in press). Impact of a vibrotactile belt on everyday orientation and navigation experience of the blind. Sensors 2021:7384
234. Ohmer X, Franke M and König P (in press). Mutual exclusivity in pragmatic agents. Cognitive Science 2022:e13069
233. Lukanov H, Pipa G and König P (in press). Biologically inspired deep learning model for efficient foveal-peripheral vision. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2021:746204
232. Trepkowski C, Marquardt A, Eibich TD, Shikanai Y, Maiero J, Kiyokawa K, Kruijff E, Schöning J and König P (2021). Multisensory proximity and transition cues for improving target awareness in narrow field of view augmented reality displays. DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2021.3116673. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 1342-1362
231. Czeszumski A, Gert AL, Keshava A, Ghadirzadeh A, Kalthoff T, Ehinger BV, Tiessen M, Björkman M, Kragic D and König P (2021). Coordinating with a robot partner affects neural processing related to action monitoring. Front Neurorobot 15:686010
230. Schwab BC, König P and Engel AK (2021). Spike-timing-dependent plasticity can account for connectivity aftereffects of dual-site transcranial alternating current stimulation. Neuroimage 237:118179
229. Wahn B, König P and Kingstone A (2021). Interpersonal coordination in joint multiple object tracking. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform 47:1166–1181.
C70. Ohmer X, Marino M, Franke M and König P (2021). Why and how to study the impact of perception on language emergence in artificial agents. Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Cognitive Science Conference
228. Vox JP, Weber A, Wolf KI, Izdebski K, Schüler T, König P, Wallhoff F and Friemert D (2021). An evaluation of motion trackers with virtual reality sensor technology in comparison to a marker-based motion capture system based on joint angles for ergonomic risk assessment. Sensors 21:3145
227. Czeszumski A, Albers F, Walter S and König P (2021). Let me make you happy, and I'll tell you how you look around: Using an approach-avoidance task as an embodied emotion prime in a free-viewing task. Front Psychol 12:604393
226. Pavlov YG, Adamian N, Appelhoff S, Arvaneh M, Benwell CSY, Beste C, Bland AR, Bradford DE, Bublatzky F, Busch NA, Clayson PE, Cruse D, Czeszumski A, Dreber A, Dumas G, Ehinger B, Ganis G, He X, Hinojosa JA, Huber-Huber C, Inzlicht M, Jack BN, Johannesson M, Jones R, Kalenkovich E, Kaltwasser L, Karimi-Rouzbahani H, König P, Kouara L, Kulke L, Ladouceur CD, Langer N, Liesefeld HR, Luque D, MacNamara A, Muthuraman M, Neal LB, Nilsonne G, Niso G, Ocklenburg S, Oostenveld R, Pernet CR, Pourtois G, Ruzzoli M, Sass SM, Schaefer A, Senderecka M, Snyder J, Tamnes CK, Tognoli E, van Vugt MK, Verona E, Vloeberghs R, Welke D, Wessel JR, Zakharov I and Mushtaq F (in press). #EEGManyLabs: Investigating the replicability of influential EEG experiments. Cortex 2021:144 213-229
P33. Clay V, König P, Kühnberg KU and Pipa G (2021). Fast concept mapping: The emergence of human abilities in artificial neural networks when learning embodied and self-supervised. arXiv:2102.02153
225. Nosrat Nezami F, Wächter MA, Maleki N, Spaniol P, Kühne LM, Haas A, Pingel JM, Tiemann L, Nienhaus F, Keller L, König SU, König P and Pipa G (2021). Westdrive X LoopAR: An open-access virtual reality project in Unity for evaluating user interaction methods during take-over requests. Sensors 21:1879
P32. Czeszumski A, Gert AL, Keshava A, Ghadirzadeh A, Kalthoff T, Ehinger BV, Tiessen M, Björkman M, Kragic D and König P (2021). Coordinating with a robot partner affects action monitoring related neural processing. DOI: bioRxiv
224. König SU, Keshava A, Clay V, Rittershofer K, Kuske N and König P (2021). Embodied spatial knowledge acquisition in immersive Virtual Reality: Comparison to map exploration. DOI: 10.3389/frvir.2021.625548. Front Virtual Real 2:625548, section Virtual Reality and Human Behaviour
223. Clay V, König P, Kühnberger KU and Pipa G (2021). Learning sparse and meaningful representations through embodiment. DOI: Neural Netw 134:23-41
P31. Keshava A, Nezami FN, Neumann H, Izdebski K, Schüler T and König P (2021). Just-in-time: Gaze guidance behavior while action planning and execution in VR. DOI: bioRxiv
C69. Ohmer X, König P and Franke M (2020). Reinforcement of semantic representations in pragmatic agents leads to the emergence of a mutual exclusivity bias. Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Cognitive Science Conference
P30. Nosrat Nezami F, Wächter MA, Maleki N, Spaniol P, Kühne LM, Haas A, Pingel JM, Tiemann L, Nienhaus F, Keller L, König SU, König P and Pipa G (2020). Westdrive X LoopAR: An open-access virtual reality project in Unity for evaluating user interaction methods during take-over requests. arXiv:2012.12041
P29. Pavlov YG, Adamian N, Appelhoff S, Arvaneh M, Benwell CSY, Beste C, Bland AR, Bradford DE, Bublatzky F, Busch NA, Clayson PE, Cruse D, Czeszumski A, Dreber A, Dumas G, Ehinger B, Ganis G, He X, Hinojosa JA, Huber-Huber C, Inzlicht M, Jack BN, Johannesson M, Jones R, Kalenkovich E, Kaltwasser L, Karimi-Rouzbahani H, König P, Kouara L, Kulke L, Ladouceur CD, Langer N, Liesefeld HR, Luque D, MacNamara A, Muthuraman M, Neal LB, Nilsonne G, Niso G, Ocklenburg S, Oostenveld R, Pernet CR, Pourtois G, Ruzzoli M, Sass SM, Schaefer A, Senderecka M, Snyder J, Tamnes CK, Tognoli E, van Vugt MK, Verona E, Vloeberghs R, Welke D, Wessel JR, Zakharov I and Mushtaq F (2020). #EEGManyLabs: Investigating the replicability of influential EEG experiments. DOI: PsyArXiv
P28. Schwab BC, König P and Engel AK (2020). Spike-timing-dependent plasticity can account for aftereffects of dual-site transcranial alternating current stimulation. DOI: bioRxiv
222. Clay V, Schrumpf J, Tessenow Y, Leder H, Ansorge U and König P (2020). A quantitative analysis of the taxonomy of artistic styles. DOI: J Eye Mov Res 13:5
P27. Czeszumski A, Albers F, Walter S and König P (2020). Let me make you happy, and I'll tell you how you look around: Using an approach-avoidance task as an embodied mood prime in a free-viewing task. DOI: bioRxiv
P26. König SU, Keshava A, Clay V, Rittershofer K, Kuske N and König P (2020). Embodied spatial knowledge acquisition in immersive Virtual Reality: Comparison to map exploration. DOI: bioRxiv
221. Ossandón JP, König P and Heed T (2020). No evidence for a role of spatially modulated alpha-band activity in tactile remapping and short-latency, overt orienting behavior. DOI: J Neurosci 40: 9088-9102
P25. Nosrat Nezami F, Wächter MA, Maleki N, Spaniol P, Kühne LM, Haas A, Pingel JM, Tiemann L, Nienhaus F, Keller L, König S, König P and Pipa G (2020). From interaction to cooperation: a new approach for human-machine interaction research for closing the out-of-the-loop unfamiliarity. 10.31234/ PsyArXiv
P24. Wahn B, König P and Kingstone A (2020). Collaborative multiple object tracking. Benefits and predictors of group performance. 10.31234/ PsyArXiv
220. Czeszumski A, Eustergerling S, Lang A, Menrath D, Gerstenberger M, Schuberth S, Schreiber F, Zuluaga Rendon Z and König P (2020). Hyperscanning: a valid method to study neural inter-brain underpinnings of social interaction. Front Hum Neurosci 14:39
219. Hernández-García A, Ramos Gameiro R, Grillini A and König P (2020). Global visual salience of competing stimuli. DOI: 10.1167/jov.20.7.27. J Vis 20:27
218. Nosrat Nezami F, Wächter MA, Pipa G and König P (2020). Project Westdrive: Unity city with self-driving cars and pedestrians for virtual reality studies. DOI:10.3389/fict.2020.00001. Front ICT 7:1
217. Wahn B, Czeszumski A, Labusch M, Kingstone A and König P (2020). Dyadic and triadic search: Benefits, costs, and predictors of group performance. Atten Percept Psychophys 82:2415–2433
C68. Gert AL, Ehinger BV, Kietzmann TC and König P (2020). Faces strongly attract early fixations in naturally sampled real-world stimulus materials. ETRA 2020: The 12th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Application, Stuttgart (cancelled for Covid19). Published in: ETRA '20 Short Papers, Article no. 30, Pages 1-5
C67. Keshava A, Aumeistere A, Izdebski K and König P (2020). Decoding task from oculomotor behavior in Virtual Reality. ETRA 2020: The 12th ACM Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Application, Stuttgart (cancelled for Covid19). Published in: ETRA '20 Short Papers, Article no. 30, Pages 1-5
C66. Hernández-García A, Zuiderbaan W, Edadan A, Dumoulin SO and König P (2019). Saliency and the population receptive field model to identify images from brain activity. DOI: JoV 19,44
C65. Hernández-García A and König P (2019). Learning representational invariance instead of categorization. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Workshop on pre-registration in Computer Vision. Open access version, provided by the Computer Vision Foundation.
P23. Czeszumski A, Eustergerling S, Lang A, Menrath D, Gerstenberger M, Schuberth S, Schreiber F, Zuluaga Rendon Z and König P (preprint 2019). Hyperscanning: a valid method to study neural inter brain underpinnings of social interaction. OSF
216. Finger H, Gast R, Gerloff C, Engel AK and König P (2019). Probing neural networks for dynamic switches of communication pathways. PLoS Comput Biol 15: e1007551
P22. Hernández-García A, Ramos Gameiro R, Grillini A and König P (2019). Global visual salience of competing stimuli. PsyArXiv
215. Kallioinen N, Pershina M, Zeiser J, Nosrat Nezami F, Pipa G, Stephan A and König P (2019). Moral judgements on the actions of self-driving cars and human drivers in dilemma situations from different perspectives. Front Psychol 10:2415
214. Sütfeld LR, Ehinger BV, König P and Pipa G (2019). How does the method change what we measure? Comparing virtual reality and text-based surveys for the assessment of moral decisions in traffic dilemmas. PLoS One 14:e0223108
213. Baumgart KG, Byvshev P, Sliby AN, Strube A, König P and Wahn B (2019). Neurophysiological correlates of collective perceptual decision-making. EJN 51:1676-1696
P21. Hernández-García A, König P and Kietzmann TC (2019). Learning robust visual representations using data augmentation invariance. arXiv:1906.04547
212. König SU, Clay V, Nolte D, Duesberg L, Kuske N and König P (2019). Learning of spatial properties of a large-scale virtual city with an interactive map. Front Hum Neurosci 13:240
211. Ehinger BV, Groß K, Ibs I and König P (2019). A new comprehensive eye-tracking test battery concurrently evaluating the Pupil Labs glasses and the EyeLink 1000. PeerJ 7:e7086
P20. Sütfeld LR, König P and Pipa G (2019). Towards a framework for ethical decision making in automated vehicles. PsyArXiv
210. Wang P, Göschl F, Friese U, König P and Engel AK (2019). Long-range functional coupling predicts performance: Oscillatory EEG networks in multisensory processing. Neuroimage 196:114-125
P19. Sütfeld LR, Ehinger BV, König P and Pipa G (2019). How does the method change what we measure? Comparing virtual reality and text-based surveys for the assessment of moral decisions in traffic dilemmas. doi: PsyArXiv
209. Clay V, König P and König S (2019). Eye tracking in virtual reality. J Eye Mov Res 12:3
P18. König SU, Kakerbeck V, Nolte D, Duesberg L, Kuske N and König P (2019). Learning of spatial properties of a large-scale virtual city with an interactive map. doi: bioRxiv
P17. Wahn B, Czeszumski A, Labusch M, Kingstone A and König P (2019). Dyadic and triadic search: Benefits, costs, and predictors of group performance. doi: PsyArXiv
208. Liu M, König P and Mueller JL (2019). Novel ERP evidence for processing differences between negative and positive polarity items in German. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00376. Front Psychol 10:376
P16. Ehinger BV, Gross K, Ibs I and König P (2019). A new comprehensive eye-tracking test battery concurrently evaluating the Pupil Labs glasses and the EyeLink 1000. doi: bioRxiv
207. Czeszumski A, Ehinger BV, Wahn B and König P (2019). The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00361. Front Psychol 10:361
P15. Finger H, Gast R, Gerloff C, Engel AK and König P (2019). Probing neural networks for dynamic switches of communication pathways. doi: bioRxiv
C64. Kim S, Izdebski K and König P (2019). The effectiveness of multimodal sensory feedback on VR users’ behavior in an L-collision problem. International conference „MANUFACTURING 2019“, Poznan, Poland. Published in: Advances in Manufacturing II
P14. Hernández-García A and König P (2018). Do deep nets really need weight decay and dropout? arXiv:1802.07042
C63. Hernández-García A, Mehrer J, Kriegeskorte N, König P and Kietzmann TC (2018). Deep neural networks trained with heavier data augmentation learn features closer to representations in hIT. 2018 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience (CCN), Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. DOI: 10.32470/CCN.2018.1046-0
C62. Hernández-García A and König P (2018). Further advantages of data augmentation on convolutional neural networks. International Conference on Artificial Neural Networks (ICANN); Preprint of the manuscript: arXiv:1906.11052; DOI: In: Kůrková V., Manolopoulos Y., Hammer B., Iliadis L., Maglogiannis I. (eds) Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning – ICANN 2018. ICANN 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11139. Springer, Cham
206. Melnik A, Schüler F, Rothkopf CA and König P (2018). The world as an external memory: The price of saccades in a sensorimotor task. DOI:10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00253. Front Behav Neurosci 12:253
P13. Czeszumski A, Ehinger BV, Wahn B and König P (2018). The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions. doi: bioRxiv
205. Ramos Gameiro R, Jünemann K, Herbik A, Wolff A, König P and Hoffmann MB (2018). Natural visual behavior in patients with peripheral visual field loss. DOI: 10.1167/18.12.10. J Vis 18:10
I10. Ehinger BV and Dimigen O (2018). Unfold: An integrated toolbox for overlap correction, non-linear modeling, and regression-based EEG analysis. DOI: bioRxiv
C61. König P, Melnik A, Goeke C, Gert AL, König SU and Kietzmann TC (2018). Embodied cognition. Published in: 2018 6th International Conference on Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) DOI:10.1109/IWW-BCI.2018.8311486. IEEE
204. Sütfeld LR, Gast R, König P and Pipa G (2018). Response: Commentary: Using Virtual Reality to assess ethical decisions in road traffic scenarios: Applicability of value-of-life-based models and influences of time pressure. DOI:10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00128. Front Behav Neurosci 12:128
P12. Hernández-García A and König P (2018). Data augmentation instead of explicit regularization. arXiv:1806.03852
203. Wahn B, Karlinsky A, Schmitz L and König P (2018). Let's move it together: A review of group benefits in joint object control. A mini review. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00918. Front Psychol 9:918
202. Afsari Z, Keshava A, Ossandón JP and König P (2018). Interindividual differences among native right-to-left readers and native left-to-right readers during free viewing task. DOI:10.1080/13506285.2018.1473542. Vis cogn
201. Wahn B, Kinstone A and König P (2018). Group benefits in joint perceptual tasks: A review. DOI:10.1111/nyas.13843. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Special Issue: The Year in Cognitive Neuroscience
200. Wilming N, König P, König S and Buffalo EA (2018). Entorhinal cortex receptive fields are modulated by spatial attention, even without movement. DOI:10.7554/eLife.31745. eLife 2018;7:e31745
199. Faulhaber AK, Dieter A, Blind F, Wächter MA, Timm S, Sütfeld LR, Stephan A, Pipa G and König P (2018). Human decisions in moral dilemmas are largely described by utilitarianism: Virtual car driving study provides guidelines for autonomous driving vehicles. DOI:10.1007/s11948-018-0020-x. Sci Eng Ethics
198. Bergmann LT, Schlicht L, Meixner C, König P, Pipa G, Boshammer S and Stephan A (2018). Autonomous vehicles require socio-political acceptance - An empirical and philosophical perspective on the problem of moral decision making. DOI:10.3389/fnbeh.2018.00031. eCollection 2018. Front Behav Neurosci 12:31
197. Ehinger BV, Kaufhold L and König P (2018). Probing the temporal dynamics of the exploration-exploitation dilemma of eye movements. DOI:10.1167/18.3.6.J Vis 18:6,1-24
196. Wahn B, Czeszumski A and König P (2018). Performance similarities predict collective benefits in dyadic and triadic joint visual search. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0191179. PLoS One 13:e0191179
C60. Legkov P, Izdebski K, Kärcher S and König P (2017). Dual task based cognitive stress induction and its influence on path integration. DOI:10.1145/3139131.3139172. VRST'17: 41:1-41:5.
195. Schöning J, Gundler C, Heidemann G, König P and Krumnack U (2017). Visual analytics of gaze data with standard multimedia players. DOI: 1016910/jemr.10.5.4. J Eye Mov Res 10:4, 1-14.
I9. Leicht-Eckardt, Elisabeth (Hrsg.). Zahncreme auf Spaghetti. Sinn und Sinnlichkeit in der Alltagsgestaltung von Menschen mit Demenz. Verlag Neuer Merkur. ISBN 978-3-95409-040-2
194. Wahn B and König P (2017). Can limitations of visuospatial attention be circumvented? A review. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01896. Front Psychol 8:1896.
P11. Wilming N, König P, König S, Buffalo EA (2017). Entorhinal cortex receptive fields are modulated by spatial attention, even without movement. doi: bioRxiv
193. Schlink BR, Peterson SM, Hairston WD, König P, Kerick SE and Ferris DP (2017). Independent component analysis and source localization on mobile EEG data can identify increased levels of acute stress. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2017.00310. Front Hum Neurosci 1:310.
C59. Wahn B, Keshava A, Sinnett S, Kingstone A, König P (2017). Audiovisual integration is affected by performing a task jointly. Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 1296 - 1301. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society
192. König SU, Goeke C, Meilinger T and König P (2017). Are allocentric spatial reference frames compatible with theories of Enactivism?. DOI: 10.1007/s00426-017-0899-x. Psychol Res [Epub ahead of print].
191. Oliveira AS, Schlink BR, Hairston WD, König P and Ferris DP (2017). Restricted vision increases sensorimotor cortex involvement in human walking. DOI: 10.1152/jn.00926.2016. J Neurophysiol [Epub ahead of print].
190. Sütfeld LR, Gast R, König P and Pipa G (2017). Using Virtual Reality to assess ethical decisions in road traffic scenarios: Applicability of value-of-life-based models and influences of time pressure. DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00122. Front Behav Neurosci 11:122.
C58. Wahn B and König P (2017). Multimodal integration, attention and sensory augmentation?. Published in: Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 2017 5th International Winter Conference on 9-11 Jan 2017. DOI: 10.1109/IWW-BCI.2017.7858148. IEEE
P10. König SU, Goeke C, Meilinger T and König P (2017). Are allocentric spatial reference frames compatible with theories of enactivism? doi: bioRxiv
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188. Ramos Gameiro R, Kaspar K, König SU, Nordholt S and König P (2017). Exploration and exploitation in natural viewing behavior. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-02526-1. Sci Rep 7:2311.
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186. Ehinger BV, Häusser K, Ossandón JP and König P (2017). Humans treat unreliable filled-in percepts as more real than veridical ones. eLife 2017;6:e21761.
185. Wahn B, Kingstone A and König P (2017). Two trackers are better than one: Information about the co-actor's actions and performance scores contribute to the collective benefit in a joint visuospatial task. DOI:10.3389/fpsyg.2017.00669. Front Psychol 8:669.
C57. Schöning J, Gert AL, Alper C, Kietzmann TC, Heidemann G and König P (2017). Exploratory multimodal data analysis with standard multimedia player - Multimedia containers: A feasible solution to make multimodal research data accessible to the broad audience. DOI:10.5220/0006260202720279 In Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (VISIGRAPP 2017) ISBN 978-989-758-225-7, pages 272-279
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P8. Wahn B, Ferris DP, Hairston WD and König P (2017). Pupil size asymmetries are modulated by an interaction between attentional load and task experience. doi: bioRxiv
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P7. Ehinger BV, Kaufhold L and König P (2017). Probing the temporal dynamics of the exploration-exploitation dilemma of eye movements. Preprint DOI:10.17605/OSF.IO/SD8AQ. OSF
182. Wahn B, Murali S, Sinnett S and König P (2017). Auditory stimulus detection partially depends on visuospatial attentional resources. DOI: 10.1177/2041669516688026. Iperception 8:1-17.
P6. Ehinger BV, Häusser K, Ossandón J and König P (2017). Humans treat unreliable filled-in perepts as more real than verifical ones. doi: bioRxiv
181. Wilming N, Kietzmann TC, Jutras M, Xue C, Treue S, Buffalo EA and König P (2017). Differential contribution of low and high-level image content to eye movements in monkeys and humans. DOI:10.1093/cercor/bhw399. Cereb Cortex. [Epub ahead of print].
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179. Wilming N, Onat S, Ossandón JP, Acik A, Kietzmann TC, Kaspar K, Ramos Gameiro R, Vormberg A and König P (2017). An extensive dataset of eye movements during viewing of complex images. DOI:10.1038/sdata.2016.126. Sci Data 4:160126.
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178. König SU, Schumann F, Keyser J, Goeke C, Krause C, Wache S, Lytochkin A, Ebert M, Brunsch V, Wahn B, Kaspar K, Nagel SK, Meilinger T, Bülthoff H, Wolbers T, Büchel C and König P (2016). Learning new sensorimotor contingencies: Effects of long-term use of sensory augmentation on the brain and conscious perception. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0166647. eCollection 2016. PloS One 11:e0166647.
177. König P, Wilming N, Kietzmann TC, Ossandón JP, Onat S, Ehinger BV, Ramos Gameiro R and Kaspar K (2016). Eye movements as a window to cognitive processes. DOI: J Eye Mov Res 9:3, 1-16.
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175. Kietzmann TC, Gert AL, Tong F and König P (2016). Representational dynamics of facial viewpoint encoding. DOI:10.1162/jocn_a_01070. J Cogn Neurosci XY:1-15. [Epub ahead of print].
C55. Wahn B, Schmitz L, König P and Knoblich G (2016). Benefiting from being alike: Interindividual skill differences predict collective benefit in joint object control. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2747 - 2752. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society
174. Goeke CM, Planera S, Finger H and König P (2016). Bayesian alternation during tactile augmentation. DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00187. Front Behav Neurosci 10:187.
C54. König P and König SU (2016). Learning a new sense by sensory augmentation. Published in: Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), 2016 4th International Winter Conference on 22-24 Feb 2016. DOI:10.1109/IWW-BCI.2016.7457456. IEEE
173. Plöchl M, Gaston J, Hairston WD and König P (2016). Oscillatory activity in auditory cortex reflects the perceptual level of audio-tactile integration. DOI:10.1038/srep33693. Sci Rep 6:33693.
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C53. Pezzulo G, Vosgerau G, Frith U, Hamilton AFdC, Heyes C, Irik A, Jörntell H, König P, Nagel SK, Oudeyer PY, Rupert RD and Tramacere A (in press). Acting up - An approach to the study of cognitive development. In: The pragmatic turn: Toward action-oriented views in Cognitive Science. Edited by Engel AK, Friston KJ and Kragic D. Strüngmann Forum Reports, vol. 18, series editor: Lupp J. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press
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169. Finger H, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Messé A, Hilgetag C, Thomalla G, Gerloff C and König P (2016). Modeling of large-scale functional brain networks based on structural connectivity from DTI: Comparison with EEG derived phase coupling networks and evaluation of alternative methods along the modeling path. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005025. eCollection 2016. PLoS Comput Biol 12:e1005025.
P5. Ehinger BV, Eickelbeck D, Spoida K, Herlitze S and König P (2016). Understanding melanopsin using bayesian generative models - an introduction. doi: bioRxiv
168. Fischer P, Ossandón JP, Keyser J, Gulberti A, Wilming N, Hamel W, Koeppen J, Buhmann C, Westphal M, Gerloff Ch, Moll Ch KE, Engel AK and König P (2016). STN-DBS reduces saccadic hypometria but not visuospatial bias in Parkinson's disease patients. DOI:10.3389/fnbeh.2016.00085. Front Behav Neurosci 10:85.
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165. Kietzmann TC, Ehinger BV, Porada D, Engel AK and König P (2016). Extensive training leads to temporal and spatial shifts of cortical activity underlying visual category selectivity. DOI:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2016.03.066. Neuroimage 134:22-34. [Epub ahead of print]
164. Spoida K, Eickelbeck D, Karapinar R, Eckhardt T, Mark MD, Jancke D, Ehinger BV, König P, Dalkara D, Herlitze S and Masseck OA (2016). Melanopsin variants as intrinsic optogenetic on and off switches for transient versus sustained activation of G protein pathways. DOI:10.1016/j.cub.2016.03.007. Curr Biol 26:1206-1212
163. Wahn B and König P (2016). Attentional resource allocation in visuotactile processing depends on the task, but optimal visuotactile integration does not depend on attentional resources. DOI: 10.3389/fnint.2016.00013. Front Integr Neurosci 10:13.
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162. Kietzmann TC, Poltoratski S, König P, Blake R, Tong F and Ling S (2015). The occipital face area is causally involved in facial viewpoint perception. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2493-15.2015. J Neurosci 35: 16398-16403
161. Wahn B, Schwandt J, Krüger M, Crafa D, Nunnendorf V and König P (2015). Multisensory teamwork: Using a tactile or an auditory display to exchange gaze information improves performance in joint visual search. DOI: 10.1080/00140139.2015.1099742. Ergonomics 20:1-15.
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159. Wahn B and König P (2015). Audition and vision share spatial attentional resources, yet attentional load does not disrupt audiovisual integration. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01084. Front Psychol 6:1084
158. Goeke C, Kornpetpanee S, Köster M, Fernández-Revelles AB, Gramann K and König P (2015). Cultural background shapes spatial reference frame proclivity. DOI:10.1038/srep11426. Sci Rep 5:11426
157. Ossandón JP, König P and Heed T (2015). Irrelevant tactile stimulation biases visual exploration in external coordinates. DOI: 10.1038/srep10664. Sci Rep 5:10664
156. Kaspar K, Krapp V and König P (2015). Hand washing induces a clean slate effect in moral judgments: a pupillometry and eye-tracking study. DOI: 10.1038/srep10471. Sci Rep 5:10471
155. Ehinger BV, König P and Ossandón JP (2015). Predictions of visual content across eye movements and their modulation by inferred information. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5114-14.2015. J Neurosci 35:7403-13
154. Göschl F, Friese U, Daume J, König P and Engel AK (2015). Oscillatory signatures of crossmodal congruence effects: An EEG investigation employing a visuotactile pattern matching paradigm. DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.03.067. Neuroimage pii: S1053-8119(15)00263-3
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P3. Finger H, Bönstrup M, Cheng B, Messé A, Hilgetag C, Thomalla G, Gerloff C and König P (2015). Modeling of large-scale functional brain networks based on structural connectivity from DTI: Comparison with EEG derived phase coupling networks and evaluation of alternative methods along the modeling path. doi: bioRxiv
C51. Nortmann N, Rekauzke S, Azimi Z, Onat S, König P and Jancke D (2015). Visual homeostatic processing in V1: when probability meets dynamics. DOI: 10.3389/fnsys.2015.00006. Front Syst Neurosci 9:6
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P2. Wang P, Göschl F, Friese U, König P and Engel AK (2015). Large-scale cortical synchronization promotes multisensory processing: An EEG study of visual-tactile pattern matching. doi: bioRxiv
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147. Onat S, Acik A, Schumann F and König P (2014). The contributions of image content and behavioral relevancy to overt attention. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0093254. PLoS One 9:e93254
146. Ehinger BV, Fischer P, Gert AL, Kaufhold L, Weber F, Pipa G and König P (2014). Kinesthetic and vestibular information modulate alpha activity during spatial navigation: A mobile EEG study. DOI: 10.3389/fnhum.2014.00071. Front Hum Neurosci 8:71
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C50. König P, Kühnberger KU and Kietzmann TC (2013). A unifying approach to high- and low-level cognition. In: Models, simulations, and the reduction of complexity. Edited by U. v. Gähde, S. Hartmann and J. H. Wolf. Abhandlungen der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Hamburg 4:117-139, De Gruyter, Berlin (download PDF)
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141. Nortmann N, Rekauzke S, Onat S, König P and Jancke D (2013). Primary visual cortex represents the difference between past and present. DOI: 10.1093/cercor/bht318. Cereb Cortex 25:1427-40
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C49. König P, Wilming N, Kaspar K, Nagel SK and Onat S (2013). Predictions in the light of your own action repertoire as a general computational principle. DOI: 10.1017/S0140525X12002294. Behav Brain Sci 36:219-20
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138. Ansorge U, Khalid S and König P (2013). Space-Valence Priming with Subliminal and Supraliminal Words. DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00081. Front Psychology 4:81
137. Onat S, Jancke D and König P (2013). Cortical long-range interactions embed statistical knowledge of natural sensory input: a voltage-sensitive dye imaging study. DOI: 10.12688/f1000research.2-51.v2. F1000Research 2:51
136. Goeke CM, König P and Gramann K (2013). Different strategies for spatial updating in yaw and pitch path integration. DOI:10.3389/fnbeh.2013.00005. Front Behav Neurosci 7:5
135. Wilming N, Harst S, Schmidt N and König P (2013). Saccadic Momentum and Facilitation of Return Saccades Contribute to an Optimal Foraging Strategy. DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002871. PLoS Comput Biol 9: e1002871
134. Kaspar K, Hloucal TM, Kriz J, Canzler S, Ramos Gameiro R , Krapp V and König P (2013). Emotions' Impact on Viewing Behavior under Natural Conditions. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0052737. PLoS One 8: e52737
133. Kaspar K and König P (2012). Emotions and personality traits as high-level factors in visual attention: a review. DOI:10.3389/fnhum.2012.00321. Front Hum Neurosci 6:321
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131. Ossandón JP, Onat S, Cazzoli D, Nyffeler T, Müri R and König P (2012). Unmasking the contribution of low-level features to the guidance of attention. Neuropsychologia 50:3478–3487
130. Kietzmann TC, Swisher JD, König P and Tong F (2012). Prevalence of selectivity for mirror-symmetric views of faces in the ventral and dorsal visual pathways. DOI: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0126-12.2012. J Neurosci 32: 11763-11772
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127. Kaspar K and König P (2011). Viewing behavior and the impact of low-level image properties across repeated presentations of complex scenes. DOI: 10.1167/11.13.26. J Vis 11:26,1–29
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123. Kietzmann TC, Geuter S and König P (2011). Overt visual attention as a causal factor of perceptual awareness. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0022614. PLoS One 6: e22614
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C47. Engel AK, Friston K, Kelso S, König P, Kovács I, MacDonald A, Miller EK, Phillips WA, Silverstein SM, Tallon-Baudry C, Triesch J and Uhlhaas P (2010). Coordination in behavior and cognition. In: Dynamic coordination in the brain: From neurons to mind. Edited by C. von der Malsburg, W. A. Phillips, and W. Singer. 2010. Strüngmann Forum Report, vol. 5. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (download PDF)
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114. Weiller D, Läer L, Engel AK and König P (2010). Unsupervised learning of reflexive and action-based affordances to model adaptive navigational behavior. DOI: 10.3389/fnbot.2010.00002. Front Neurorobotics 4:2
113. Betz T, Kietzmann TC, Wilming N and König P (2010). Investigating task-dependent top-down effects on overt visual attention. DOI: 10.1167/10.3.15. J Vis 10:15,1-14
112. Einhäuser W and König P (2010). Getting real - sensory processing of natural stimuli. DOI: 10.1016/j.conb.2010.03.010. Curr Opin Neurobiol 20:389-95
111. Weiller D, Märtin R, Dähne S, Engel AK and König P (2010). Involving motor capabilities in the formation of sensory space representations. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0010377. PLoS One 5:e10377
C46. Wilming N, Wolfsteller F, König P, Caseiro R, Xavier J and Araújo H (2009). Attention models for vergence movements based on the JAMF framework and the popeye robot. VISAPP 2009, Lisboa, Portugal (download PDF)
110. Schall S, Quigley C, Onat S and König P (2009). Visual stimulus locking of EEG is modulated by temporal congruency of auditory stimuli. Exp Brain Res. DOI 10.1007/s00221-009-1867-5 (download PDF)
109. Engmann S, 't Hart BM, Sieren T, Onat S, König P and Einhäuser W (2009). Saliency on a natural-scene background: Effects of color- and luminance-contrast add linearly. Percept Psychophys 71:1337-1352 (download PDF)
108. Acik A, Onat S, Schumann F, Einhäuser W and König P (2009). Effects of luminance contrast and its modifications on fixation behavior during free viewing of images from different categories. Vision Res 49:1541-1553 (download PDF)
107. 't Hart BM, Vockeroth J, Schumann F, Bartl K, Schneider E, König P and Einhäuser W (2009). Gaze allocation in natural stimuli: comparing free exploration to head-fixed viewing conditions. DOI: 10.1080/13506280902812304. Vis cogn 17:6,1132-1158
106. Jansen L, Onat S and König P (2009). Influence of disparity on fixation and saccades in free viewing of natural scenes. DOI: 10.1167/9.1.29. J Vis 9:29,1-19
105. Einhäuser W, Moeller GU, Schumann F, Conradt J, Vockeroth J, Bartl K, Schneider E and König P (2009). Eye-head coordination during free exploration in human and cat. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1164:353-366 (download PDF)
104. Einhäuser W, Schumann F, Vockeroth J, Bartl K, Cerf M, Harel J, Schneider E and König P (2009). Distinct roles for eye and head movements in selecting salient image parts during natural exploration. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1164:188-193 (download PDF)
C45. Höning N, König P, Stelzer F, Steger J, Wilmng N, Betz T, Schreiber C and Schmitz M (2008). GoodGaze: Eine Technologie aus der Hirnforschung analysiert Webseiten auf ihre Aufmerksamkeitswirkung. up08, Lübeck (2008) (download PDF)
C44. Steger J, Wilming N, Wolfsteller F, Höning, N and König, P (2008). The JAMF attention modelling framework. WAPCV 2008, Santorini, Greece (2008) (download PDF)
C43. Weiller D, Läer L, Engel AK and König P (2007). Unsupervised learning of reflexive and action-based affordances to model navigational behavior. KogWis2007, Saarbrücken (2007) (download PDF)
103. Quigley C, Onat S, Harding S, Cooke M and König P (2008). Audio-visual integration during overt visual attention. Journal of Eye Movement Research 1:4,1-17, (download PDF)
102. Frey H-P, Honey C and König P (2008). What's color got to do with it? The influence of color on visual attention in different categories. DOI: 10.1167/8.14.6. J Vis 8:6,1-17
101. Schumann F, Einhäuser W, Vockeroth J, Bartl K, Schneider E and König P (2008). Salient features in gaze-aligned recordings of human visual input during free exploration of natural environments. DOI: 10.1167/8.14.12. J Vis 8:12,1-17
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C42. Karabanov A, Bosch P and König P (2007). Eye tracking as a tool to investigate the comprehension of referential expressions. in Featherston S. and Sternefeld W. (edts) Roots. Linguistics in search of its evidential base. Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, New York, pp 207-226 (download PDF)
C41. Harding S, Cooke M and König P (2007). Auditory gist perception: an alternative to attentional selection of auditory streams? WAPCV 07: 4th International Workshop on Attention in Cognitive Systems, Hyderabad, India, 2007 (download PDF)
100. Einhäuser W, Schumann F, Bardins S, Bartl K, Böning G, Schneider E and König P (2007). Human eye-head co-ordination in natural exploration. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 18:267-297. Electronical publication: DOI: 10.1080/09548980701671094 (download PDF)
99. Onat S, Libertus K and König P (2007). Integrating audio-visual information for the control of overt attention. DOI:10.1167/7.10.11. J Vis 7:11,1-16 (download slide presentation)
98. Frey H-P, König P and Einhäuser W (2007). The role of first- and second-order stimulus features for human overt attention. Percept Psychophys 69:153-161 (download PDF)
97. Heinzle J, König P and Salazar R (2007). Modulation of synchrony without changes in firing rate. Cogn Neurodyn 1:225-235 (download PDF) (download suppl. PDF)
96. Moeller G, Kayser C and König P (2007). Saccade-related activity in areas 18 and 21a of cats freely viewing complex scenes. Neuroreport 18:401-4 (download PDF)
C40. Saal H, Nortmann N, Krüger N and König P (2006). Salient image regions as a guide for useful visual features. IEEE AICS 2006, Sheffield Hallam University
95. Benucci A, Verschure PFMJ and König P (2006). Dynamical features of high-order correlation events: Impact on cortical cells. Cogn Neurodyn. Electronical publication: DOI 10.1007/s11571-006-9000-y (download PDF)
94. Einhäuser W, Rutishauser U, Frady EP, Nadler S, König P and Koch C (2006). The relation of phase-noise and luminance-contrast to overt attention in complex visual stimuli. J Vis 6:1148-1158 (download PDF)
93. Nagel SK, Märtin R and König P (2006). Fühlen lernen bedeutet Handeln lernen - über das hirnphysiologische Korrelat von Bewusstsein. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Verhaltenstherapie e.V. VPP 3/2006 (download PDF)
92. Kayser C and König P (2006). Feature selectivity in area 21a of the cat. Neuroreport 17:809-812 (download PDF)
91. König P and Krüger N (2006). Symbols as self-emergent entities in an optimization process of feature extraction and predictions. Biol Cybern 94:325-334 (download PDF)
90. Einhäuser W, Kruse W, Hoffmann K-P and König P (2006). Differences of monkey and human overt attention under natural conditions. Vision Res 96:1194-1209 (download PDF)
89. Hipp J, Arabzadeh E, Zorzin E, Conradt J, Kayser C, Diamond ME and König P (2006). Texture signals in whisker vibrations. J Neurophysiol 95:1792-9 (download PDF)
88. Wyss R, König P and Verschure PFMJ (2006). A model of the ventral visual system based on temporal stability and local memory. PLoS Biol 4: e120. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.0040120 (download PDF)
C39. Pearce TC, de Kamps M, Knoll A, Orban G, König P, Sandini G, Davide F and Engel AK (2005). Neuroengineering - a renaissance in brain science: Tutorial series from the 3rd Neuro-IT and Neuroengineering Summer School. J Neural Eng (download PDF)
87. Nagel SK, Carl C, Kringe T, Märtin R and König P (2005). Beyond sensory substitution – learning the sixth sense. J Neural Eng 2:R13-R26. (download PDF)
86. Hipp J, Einhäuser W, Conradt J and König P (2005). Learning of somatosensory representations for texture discrimination using a temporal coherence principle. Network: Computation in Neural Systems 16:223-238 (download PDF)
85. Einhäuser W, Hipp J, Eggert J, Körner E and König P (2005). Learning viewpoint invariant object representations using a temporal coherence principle. Biol Cybern 93:79-90 (download PDF)
84. Kayser C and König P (2004). Population coding of orientation in the visual cortex of alert cats – an information theoretic analysis. Neuroreport 22;15:2761-4 (download PDF)
83. Hafner VV, Fend M, König P and Körding KP (2004). Predicting properties of the rat somatosensory system by sparse coding. Neural Information Processing 4:11-18 (download PDF)
82. Einhäuser W, Martin KAC and König P (2004). Are switches in perception of the Necker cube related to eye-position? Eur J Neurosci 20:2811-2818 (download PDF)
81. Salazar RF, König P and Kayser C (2004). Directed interactions between visual areas and their role in processing image structure and expectancy. Eur J Neurosci 20:1391-1401 (download PDF)
80. Benucci A, Verschure PFMJ and König P (2004). High-order events in cortical networks: a lower bound. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 70:051909. Epub 2004 Nov 17 (download PDF)
79. Moeller GU, Kayser C, Knecht F and König P (2004). Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans. Exp Brain Res 157:215-24 (download PDF)
78. Kayser C, Körding KP and König P (2004). Processing of complex stimuli and natural scenes in the visual cortex. Curr Opin Neurobiol 14:468-73 (download PDF)
77. Benucci A, Verschure PFMJ and König P (2004). Two-state membrane potential fluctuations driven by weak pairwise correlations. Neural Comput 16:2351-78 (download PDF)
76. Knüsel Ph, Wyss R, König P and Verschure PFMJ (2004). Decoding a temporal population code. Neural Comput 16:2079-100 (download PDF)
75. Salazar RF, Kayser C and König P (2004). Effects of training on neuronal activity and interactions in primary and higher visual cortices in the alert cat. J Neurosci 24:1627-1636 (download PDF)
74. Kayser C and König P (2004). Stimulus locking and feature selectivity prevail in complementary frequency ranges of V1 local field potentials. EJN 19:485-9 (download PDF)
73. Kayser C, Kim M, Ugurbil K, Kim DS and König P (2004). A comparison of hemodynamic and neural responses in cat visual cortex using complex stimuli. Cereb Cortex 14:881-91 (download PDF)
72. Betsch BY, Einhäuser W, Körding KP and König P (2004). The world from a cat’s perspective – statistics of natural videos. Biol Cybern 90:41-50 (download PDF)
71. Körding KP, Kayser C, Einhäuser W and König P (2004). How are complex cell properties adapted to the statistics of natural stimuli? J Neurophysiol 91:206-212 (download PDF)
70. Einhäuser W, Kayser C, Körding KP and König P (2003). Learning distinct and complementary feature-selectivities from natural colour videos. Rev Neurosci 21:43-52 (download PDF)
69. Benucci A, Verschure PFMJ and König P (2003). On the existence of high-order correlations in cortical activity. Phys Rev E Stat Nonlin Soft Matter Phys 68:041905. (download PDF)
68. Wyss R, König P and Verschure PFMJ (2004; electronically published in 2003). Involving the motor system in decision making. Proc R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 271 Suppl 3:S50-2. (download PDF)
67. Wyss R, Verschure PFMJ and König P (2003). Invariant representation of visual patterns in a temporal population code. Rev Neurosci 14:21-34
66. Körding KP, Kayser C and König P (2003). On the choice of a sparse prior. Rev Neurosci 21:53-62
65. Einhäuser W and König P (2003). Does luminance-contrast contribute to a saliency map of overt visual attention? Eur J Neurosci 17:1089-97 (download PDF)
64. Kayser C, Körding KP and König P (2003). Learning the nonlinearity of neurons from natural visual stimuli. Neural Comput 8:1751-1760 (download PDF)
63. Kayser C, Einhäuser W and König P (2003). Temporal correlations of orientations in natural scenes. Neurocomputing 52-54:117-123 (download PDF)
62. Klein DJ, König P and Körding KP (2003). Sparse spectrotemporal coding of sounds. EURASIP J Appl Signal Processing 3:659-667 (download PDF)
61. Frey H-P, Kaernbach C and König P (2003). Cats can detect repeated noise stimuli. Neurosci Lett 346:45-8 (download PDF)
60. Kayser C, Salazar R and König P (2003). Reponses to natural scenes in cat V1. J Neurophysiol 90:1910-20 (download PDF)
59. Siegel M and König P (2003). A functional gamma-band defined by stimulus-dependent synchronization in area 18 of awake behaving cats. J Neurosci 23:4251-60 (download PDF)
C38. König P and Verschure PF (2002). Neurons in action. Science 296:1817-8
C37. Einhäuser W, Kayser C, Körding KP and König P (2002). Learning multiple feature representations from natural image sequences. ICANN 2002
C36. Kayser C, Einhäuser W and König P (2002). Temporal correlations of orientations in natural scenes. CNS 2002
C35. Körding KP, König P and Klein DJ (2002). Learning of sparse auditory receptive fields. IJCNN 2002, Hawaii
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57. Einhäuser W, Kayser C, König P and Körding KP (2002). Learning the invariance properties of complex cells from their responses to natural stimuli. Eur J Neurosci 15:475-486 (download PDF)
56. König P and Verschure PFMJ (2002). Neurons in action. Science 296:1817-8 (download PDF)
55. Wyss R, König P and Verschure PFMJ (2002). Invariant encoding of spatial stimulus topology in the temporal domain. Neurocomputing 44-46:703-708 (download PDF)
54. Sánchez-Montañés MA, König P and Verschure PFMJ (2002). Learning sensory maps with real-world stimuli in real time using a biophysically realistic learning rule. IEEE Trans Neural Netw 13:619-632 (download PDF)
C34. Kayser C, Einhäuser W, Dümmer O, König P and Körding KP (2001). Extracting slow subspaces from natural videos leads to complex cells. ICANN 2001, Vienna
53. Körding KP and König P (2001). Supervised and unsupervised learning in a physiologically realistic network. J. Comp. Neurosci.11:207-215 (download PDF)
52. Körding KP and König P (2001). Generation of invariances with a neuron model with two sites of synaptic integration. Neural Comput 13:2823-2849 (download PDF)
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50. Sánchez-Montañés MA, König P and Verschure PFMJ (2001). Learning in a neural network model in real time using real world stimuli. Neurocomputing 38-40:859-865 (download PDF)
49. Körding KP, Kayser C, Betsch BY and König P (2001). Non-contact eye-tracking on cats. J Neurosci Methods 110:103-111 (download PDF)
48. Sturm AK and König P (2001). Mechanisms to synchronize neuronal activity. Biol Cybern 84:153-172 (download PDF)
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47. Körding K and König P (2000). A spike based learning rule for generation of invariant representations. J Physiol Paris 94:539-548 (download PDF)
46. von Stein A, Chiang C and König P (2000). Top-down processing mediated by inter-areal synchronization. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97:14748-14753 (download PDF)
45. Körding K and König P (2000). Learning with two sites of synaptic integration. Network, Comp Neur Syst 11:1-15 (download PDF)
44. Bernasconi C, von Stein A, Chiang C and König P (2000). Bi-directional interactions between visual areas in the awake behaving cat. Neuroreport 11:689-692 (download PDF)
43. Körding K and König P (2000). A learning rule for dynamic recruitment and decorrelation. Neural Netw 13:1-9 (download PDF)
42. Sánches-Montañés MA, Verschure PFMJ and König P (2000). Local and global gating of synaptic plasticity. Neural Comput 12:543-552 (download PDF)
41. Siegel M, Körding KP and König P (2000). Integrating top-down and bottom-up sensory processing by somato-dendritic interactions. J Comput Neurosci 8:161-173 (download PDF)
40. Bernasconi C and König P (1999). On the direction of interareal interactions in the cat visual system. Biol Cybern 81:199-210 (download PDF)
39. Engel AK, Fries P, Roelfsema PR, König P, Brecht M and Singer W (1999). Does time help to understand consciousness? - A concluding commentary. Conscious Cogn 8:260-268 (download PDF)
38. Verschure PFMJ and König P (1999). On the role of biophysical properties of cortical neurons in binding and segmentation of visual scenes. Neural Comput 11:1113-1138 (download PDF)
37. Engel AK, Fries P, Roelfsema PR, König P, Brecht M and Singer W (1999). Temporal binding, binocular rivalry and consciousness. Conscious Cogn 8:128-152
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C31. Engel AK, Fries P, Roelfsema PR, König P and Singer W (1998). Temporal binding, binocular rivalry and consciousness. Association for the scientific study of consciousness. Electronic seminars
C30. Engel AK and König P (1998). Das neurobiologische Wahrnehmungs-Paradigma: eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme. In: P. Gold, A.K. Engel (Hrsg) Der Mensch in der Perspektive der Kognitionswissenschaft. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt. (stw 1381): 156-194
C29. König P, Chiang C and von Stein A (1998). Internal context and top-down processing. Behavioural and Brain Sciences 20 4 pp 691-692 (1998)
36. König P, Bizzi E, Burgess N, Franceschini N, Kilgard M, Oram M, Sagerer G and Scheier C (1998). Representations in natural and artificial systems. Z Naturfor 53c:738-751 (download PDF)
35. König P and Luksch H (1998). Active sensing - closing multiple loops. Z Naturfor 53c:542-549 (download PDF)
34. Preissl H, Cruse H, Luksch H, Malaka R, Neumann T, von Sengbusch G, Warzecha AK, König P, Oram M, Wagner H, Vollmer G, Mayer-Kress G, Egelhaaf M and Pfeifer R. (1998). The behavior of natural and artificial systems: solutions to functional demands. Z Naturfor 53c:765-9
C28. Verschure PFMJ and König P (1997). Modulation of temporal interactions in cortical circuits. In: Gross, H.-M. (Ed.), Proceedings of SOAVE ‘97. pp. 77-88 DVI Düsseldorf
C27. Engel AK, Roelfsema PR, König P and Singer W (1997). Neurophysiological relevance of time. In: Ruhnau E, Atmanspacher H (Hrsg.) Time, Temporality, Now. Springer, Berlin: 133-157
33. Fries P, Roelfsema PR, Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1997). Neuronal synchronization as a correlate of perceptual dominance in awake squinting cats. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 94:12699-12704 (download PDF)
32. Roelfsema PR, Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1997). Visuomotor integration is associated with zero time-lag synchronization among cortical areas. Nature 385:157-161 (download PDF)
C26. Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1996). Zeitliche Koordinierung im Sehsystem - die Rolle synchroner Aktivität für die neuronale Informationsverarbeitung. Physiologie - Forschung, Lehre, Öffentlichkeit Heft 7 pp. 12-21
C25. Engel AK and König P (1996). Der Aufbau neuronaler Repräsentationen im Sehsystem. In: Rusch G, Schmidt SJ, Breidbach O (Hrsg.) Interne Repräsentationen - Neue Konzepte der Hirnforschung. Suhrkamp, Frankfurt (stw 1277): 122-152
31. Roelfsema PR, König P, Engel AK and Singer W (1996). The role of neuronal synchronization in response selection: A biologically plausible theory of structured representation in the visual cortex. J Cogn Neurosci 8:603-625 (download PDF)
30. Neuenschwander S, Engel AK, König P, Singer W and Varela F (1996). Synchronization of neural responses in the optic tectum of awake pigeons. Vis Neurosci 13:575-584
29. Munk MHJ, Roelfsema PR, König P, Engel AK and Singer W (1996). Reticular activation modulates corticla synchronization. Science 272:271-274 (download PDF)
28. König P, Engel AK, Roelfsema PR and Singer W (1996). The temporal-correlation hypothesis - reply. Trends Neurosci 19:415-416
27. König P, Engel AK, Roelfsema PR and Singer W (1996). Coincidence detection or temporal integration. The role of the cortical neuron revisited. Trends Neurosci 19:130-137 (download PDF)
26. König P (1995). Zeitliche Kodierung in neuronalen Netzen: Eigenschaften, Substrat und funktionelle Relevanz korrelierter Aktivität im visuellen System. Habilitationsschrift, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Main.
25. König P and Engel AK (1995). Correlated firing in sensori motor systems. Curr Opin Neurobiol 5:511-519
24. König P, Engel AK, Roelfsema PR and Singer W (1995). How precise is neuronal synchronization? Neural Comput 7:469-485
23. König P, Engel AK and Singer W (1995). The relation between oscillatory activity and long-range synchrony in cat visual cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 92:290-294 (download PDF)
C24. König P and Engel AK (1994). Kommentar zur Relevanz von konnektionistischen Modellen in der “Computational Neuroscience”. In: K. Möller , G. Paaß (Hrsg). Künstliche neuronale Netze: Eine Bestandsaufnahme. KI 4/1994: 44-46
C23. Roelfsema PR, König P, Engel AK and Singer W (1994). Oscillations and synchrony in the visual cortex: Evidence for their functional relevance. To appear in C. Pantev, T. Elbert and B. Lütkenhöner (Eds.) Oscillatory event related brain dynamics. Plenum Press, New York
22. Roelfsema PR, König P, Engel AK, Sireteanu R and Singer W (1994). Reduced neuronal synchrony: A physiological correlate of strabismic amblyopia in cat visual cortex. Eur J Neurosci 6:1645-1655
21. König P (1994). A method for the quantification of synchrony and oscillatory properties of neuronal activity. J Neurosci Methods 54:31-37 (download PDF)
20. Schillen TB and König P (1994). Binding by temporal structure in multiple feature domains. Biol Cybern 70:397-405 (download PDF)
C22. Engel AK, König P, Kreiter AK, Schillen TB and Singer W (1994). Temporal coding in the visual cortex: new vistas on integration in the nervous system. In H. Gutfreund, G. Toulouse (Hrsg) Biology and Computation: A physicist’s choice, page 218-226. World Scientific Publishin, Singapur. Wiederabgedruckt aus Trends in Neurosciences
C21. Deppisch J, Bauer H-U, Schillen TB, König P, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1993). Stochastic and oscillatory burst activities in a model of spiking neurons. In: International conference on artificial neuronal networks, Brighton
C20. Gray CM, König P, Engel AK and Singer W (1993). Oscillatory responses in cat visual cortex exhibit inter-columnar synchronization which reflects global stimulus properties. In: S. M. Kosslyn and R. A. Anderson (eds.) Frontiers in cognitive neuroscience, 49-51. MIT Press, Cambridge / Nachdruck aus Nature
C19. Engel AK and König P (1993). Paradigm shifts in neurobiology: Towards a new theory of perception. In: R. Casati and G. White (eds.), Philosophy and the cognitive sciences, page 131-138. Proceedings of the 16th Wittgenstein Symposium. Wittgenstein-Gesellschaft, Kirchberg
C18. Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1993). Bildung repräsentationaler Zustände im Gehirn. Spektrum der Wissenschaften, Heft 9, 42-47
C17. Schillen TB and König P (1993). Temporal structures can solve the binding problem for multiple feature domains. In: F. H. Eeckman and J. M. Bower (eds.) Computation and neural systems, page 503-508. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London
C16. König P and Schillen TB (1993). Assembly formation and segregation by a self-organizing neuronal oscillator model. In: F. H. Eeckman and J. M. Bower (eds.) Computation and neural systems, page 509-514. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London
C15. Atkeson C, Bauer KD, Byrne JH, Friedlander MJ, König P, Körner E, Levy WB, Mishkin M, Poggio TA and Willshow DJ (1993). Forms and mechanisms of learning. In: T. Poggio and D.A. Glaser (eds.) Exploring brain functions: models in neuroscience, 127-138. Wiley, New York
C14. Singer W, Artola A, Engel AK, König P, Kreiter AK, Löwel S and Schillen TB (1993). Neuronal representations and temporal codes. In: T. Poggio and D.A. Glaser (eds.) Exploring brain functions: models in neuroscience, 179-194. Wiley, New York
19. Deppisch J, Bauer HU, Schillen TB, König P, Pawelzik K and Geisel T (1993). Oscillatory and stochastic states as a coexisting network phenomenon. Network 4:243-257
18. König P, Engel AK, Löwel S and Singer W (1993). Squint affects synchronization of oscillatory responses in cat visual cortex. Eur J Neurosci 5:501-508 (download PDF)
C13. Gray CM, Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1992). Mechanisms underlying the generation of neuronal oscillations in cat visual cortex. In: T. Bullock and E. Basar (eds.) Induced Rhythmicities in the Brain, page 29-45.
C12. Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1992). Correlated neuronal firing: A clue to the integrative functions of cortex? In: J. Taylor, Caianello, Coterila and Clarke (eds.) Complex dynamics in neural networks, page 125-139. Springer, Berlin
17. Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1992). The functional nature of neuronal oscillations: reply. Trends Neurosci 15:387-388 (download PDF)
16. Engel AK, König P, Kreiter AK, Schillen TB and Singer W (1992). Temporal coding in the visual cortex: new vistas on integration in the nervous system. Trends Neurosci 15:218-226 (download PDF)
15. Gray CM, Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1992). Synchronization of oscillatory neuronal responses in cat striate cortex: Temporal properties. Vis Neurosci 8:337-347
14. Engel AK, König P and Schillen TB (1992). Why does the cortex oscillate? Curr Biol 2:332-334 (download PDF)
13. König P, Janosch B and Schillen TB (1992). Stimulus-dependent assembly formation of oscillatory responses: III. Learning. Neural Comput 4:769-784
C11. Gray CM, Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1991). Synchronous neuronal oscillations in cat visual cortex: functional implications. In: A. Gorea, Y. Fregnac, Z. Kapoula and J. Findlay (eds.) Representations of Vision. Trends and Tacit Assumptions in Vision Research, page 83-96. Cambridge University Press
C10. Gray CM, Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1991). Temporal properties of synchronous oscillatory neuronal interactions in cat striate cortex. In: H. G. Schuster (editor) Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuronal Networks, page 27-55. VCH Weinheim, New York, Basel, Cambridge
C9. Engel AK, König P, Kreiter AK, Gray CM and Singer W (1991). Temporal coding by coherent oscillations as a potential solution to the binding problem: Physiological evidence. In: H. G. Schuster (editor) Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuronal Networks, page 3-25 VCH Weinheim, New York, Basel, Cambridge
C8. Schillen TB and König P (1991). Temporal coding by coherent oscillations as a potential solution to the binding problem: Neural network simulations. In: H. G. Schuster (editor) Nonlinear Dynamics and Neuronal Networks, page 153-171 VCH Weinheim, New York, Basel, Cambridge
C7. Schillen TB and König P (1991). Coherency detection and response segregation by synchronizing and desynchronizing delay connections in a neural oscillator model. Proceedings, International Joint Conference on Neural Networks. II 387-395 San Diego
12. Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1991). Direct physiological evidence for scene segmentation by temporal coding. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88:9136-9140 (download PDF)
11. Engel AK, Kreiter AK, König P and Singer W (1991). Synchronization of oscillatory neuronal responses between striate and extrastriate visual cortical areas of the cat. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88:6048-6052 (download PDF)
10. Engel AK, König P, Kreiter AK and Singer W (1991). Inter-hemispheric synchronization of oscillatory neuronal responses in cat visual cortex. Science 252:1177-1179 (download PDF)
9. Schillen TB and König P (1991). Stimulus-dependent assembly formation of oscillatory responses: II. Desynchronization. Neural Comput 3:167-178 (download PDF)
8. König P and Schillen TB (1991). Stimulus-dependent assembly formation of oscillatory responses: I. Synchronization. Neural Comput 3:155-166 (download PDF)
C6. Singer W, Gray CM, Engel AK, König P, Artola A and Bröcher S (1990). Formation of cortical cell assemblies. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology, Volume LV, page 939-952. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press
C5. König P and Schillen TB (1990). Segregation of oscillatory responses by conflicting stimuli - Desynchronizing connections in neural oscillator layers. In: R. Eckmiller, G. Hartmann and G. Hauske (eds.) Parallel Processing in Neural systems and Computers. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
C4. Schillen TB and König P (1990). Coherency detection by coupled oscillatory responses - Synchronizing connections in neural oscillatory layers. In: R. Eckmiller, G. Hartmann and G. Hauske (eds.) Parallel Processing in Neural systems and Computers. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
C3. Engel AK, König P, Gray CM and Singer W (1990). Synchronization of oscillatory responses: A mechanism for stimulus dependent assembly formation. In: R. Eckmiller, G. Hartmann and G. Hauske (eds.) Parallel Processing in Neural systems and Computers, page 105-108. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
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7. Gray CM, Engel AK, König P and Singer W (1990). Stimulus-dependent oscillations in cat visual cortex. Feature dependence and receptive field properties. Eur J Neurosci 2:607-619
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4. Gray CM, König P, Engel AK and Singer W (1989). Oscillatory responses in cat visual cortex exhibit inter-columnar synchronization which reflects global stimulus properties. Nature 338:334-337 (download PDF)
(This article was featured no. 9 of the Top 100 papers in Vision Science on November 19, 2007.)
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C1. de Boer E, Kaernbach CG, König P and Schillen TB (1985). An isolated sound emitter in the cochlea: notes on modeling. In: J. B. Allen, J. L. Hall, A. Hubbart, S. T. Neely and A. Tubis (eds.) Peripheral Auditory Mechanisms, Proceedings. Springer-Verlag New York