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Regular courses:
Please find below a general list of NBP lectures and seminars (past, current, upcoming) as well as of some courses that are tightly associated with NBP, lay important foundations or proceed to more advanced topics, and are open to our students. Again, for more detailed information you may use the StudIP interface to access the wealth of lecture notes and papers available for this term and also for former ones.
- Action & Cognition, Lecture by P König (winter & summer / Bachelor, 2nd year)
(For some years now, AC1 and AC2 lectures have been video recorded regularly. You will find them termwise on StudIP ; thus you can still watch lessons you missed and may also follow-up past ones repeatedly for easy exam preparation.) - Action & Cognition, Seminar by P König (winter & summer / Bachelor, 2nd year)
- Action & Cognition, Exercises by P König (winter & summer / Bachelor 2nd year)
- Advanced topics in Action & Cognition, Reading Club by P König (continuous / Bachelor, 3rd year & up)
- Colloquium of the Institute of Cognitive Science, external speakers (continuous / all)
- Lab Rotation, Practical by all teachers (continuous / Master)
- Functional Neuroanatomy, Lecture by (Bachelor, 2nd year)
- Introduction to Neurobiology, Lecture (Bachelor, 1st year)
In the summer semester 2023, there will be the following courses:
- 8.3017 Interdisciplinary Course: Lab Rotation
- 8.3416 Action & Cognition (Visual System)
- 8.3436 Introduction to Unity
- 8.3491 Action & Cognition: Higher Cognitive Functions
- 8.3532 Designing and conducting an EEG study
- 8.3588 Study Project: Sensory augmentation and grasping movements (Part I)
- 8.3589 Begleitseminar zum Studienprojekt: Sensory augmentation and grasping movements (Part I)
Exemplary range of former courses, block seminars, study projects, workshops etc.:
Treatment of eating disorders in VR (Part II), Study Project's accompanying seminar by P König (Master)
Treatment of eating disorders in VR (Part II), Study Project by P König & F Nosrat Nezami (Master)
Introduction to Unity, Lecture by P König, M Wächter & F Nosrat Nezami (Bachelor, Master)
Advanced Experiment Design and Programming in Unity, Seminar by P König & F Nosrat Nezami (Bachelor, Master)
Tactile Cueing against Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Desease, Study Project by S König (Master)
Action & Cognition: Computational Cognition, Seminar by P König & A Keshava (Bachelor, Master)
Action & Cognition: Motor System, Lecture by P König (Bachelor, Master)
Recording and analysing EEG data, Practical training by P König (Bachelor, Master)
Treatment of eating disorders in VR, Study Project's accompanying seminar by P König (Master)
Treatment of eating disorders in VR, Study Project by P König (Master)
Hyperscanning (Part I), Study Project by P König, A Czeszumski & AL Gert (Master)
Sensory Augmentation in VR (Part III), Study Project by P König & S König (Master)
Action & Cognition: Visual System, Lecture by P König & AL Gert (Bachelor, Master)
Sensory Augmentation in VR (Part II), Study Project by P König & S König (Master)
Experimental Design in Unity/VR, Block seminar by P König, M Wächter & F Nosrat Nezami (Bachelor, Master)
Action & Cognition: Computational Cognition, Seminar by P König & A Keshava (Bachelor, Master)
Action & Cognition II: Visual System, Seminar by P König & S König (Bachelor, Master)
Action & Cognition II: Higher Cognitive Functions, Lecture by P König & AL Gert (Bachelor, Master)
Sensory Augmentation in VR (Part I), Study Project by P König & S König (Master)
Hyperscanning, Seminar by P König & A Czeszumski (Master)
Models of Attention, Seminar by P König (Master)
Good Gaze, Real time prediction of human overt attention, Study Project by P König (Master)
Re-evaluating Libet’s Experiments, Seminar by A Stephan, P König & H Gust (Master)
Meaning, vision and situation, Study Project by P König & P Bosch (Master)
Osnabrück Computational Cognition Alliance Meeting (OCCAM) - International Workshop series, by F Jäkel, G Pipa and P König (Bachelor, 3rd year & up)
- OCCAM 2011: "Natural computation in hierarchies"
- OCCAM 2012: "The brain as an information processing system"
- OCCAM 2013: "The brain as a self-organized dynamical system"
- OCCAM 2014: "The brain as a probabilistic inference engine"
- OCCAM 2015 & INCF-summerschool: "From simple neurons to large-scale models of cognition"
- OCCAM 2017 & socSMCs Workshop: "Mechanisms and models of social interaction"
Numerical Analysis in the Neurosciences, Seminar & Practical by P König & M.B. Kallenrode: (Bachelor, 2nd year & up)
High-level Natural Scene Processing, Seminar by A Acik & N Nortmann (Master)
Neural coding, Seminar + Practice by D Weiller & S Onat (Master)
Visual Motion: Illusion and phenomena, Seminar by U Ansorge (Master)
EEG of Visual Processing, Practical by H.P.Frey (Master)
Efficient Coding, Seminar by M Bethge (Master)
Baysian Inference in Stereo Vision, Seminar by R Narashima (Master)
Probability Theory: From Extended Logic to Applications in Cognitive Science, Seminar by T Betz, N Wilming and P König (Bachelor, 2nd year)
Neuroscientific approaches to consciousness, Seminar by A Acik, J Ossandón, T Kietzmann and P König (Bachelor, 3rd year and up)
A hands-on introduction to modern brain-computer interface design, Seminar by C Kothe (Master)
Cognitive Developmental Psychology, Seminar by M Kempter, AL Gert and P König (Bachelor, 5th year)
For any questions or further details, please drop a line to Prof. König.