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General Information
Why a compulsory semester abroad?
- experience abroad and language skills are among the most important recruitment criteria for companies
- it contributes enormously to personal development
How long do I have to spend abroad?
- One semester is a mandatory part of the Bachelor's degree programme
- Usually in semester 5
Where can I spent my semester abroad?
- At a university
- At an institution similar to a university (e.g. a state or private research institution)
- At a company abroad
When do I start preparing?
- summer 2024
The university offers:
- Study places at partner universities worldwide for Osnabrück students
- ERASMUS+ study places abroad within Europe without tuition fees
- Study visits and internships are financially supported
What must/can I organise myself?
- Look for a study place at a university (with which there are no contracts)
- Apply for an internship at an institution or in a company
What are the most important criteria for my choice?
- Personal interest
- The quality of the chosen institution
- NOT its geographical location!
What information should I gather before applying?
- Which countries and which universities are involved?
- Are there specific agreements in my field of study?
- What is the university system like in the target country?
- Do I have or how do I acquire the necessary foreign language skills?
- Does the university I am interested in offer suitable courses for my degree programme?
- Will my academic achievements abroad be recognised here?
Where can I get help to avoid disappointment?
CogSci-Mobility Office (Petra Dießel)
Further information on the IKW website:
Study via university partnerships