Institut für Kognitionswissenschaft

Institute of Cognitive Science

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Postal Address

Institute of Cognitive Science
University of Osnabrück
49069 Osnabrück

Visitors address

Institute of Cognitive Science
Wachsbleiche 27 (building 50)
D-49090 Osnabrück

Map of Osnabrück University

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Prospective Students and Enrolled Students

Are you interested in pursuing studies at the Institute of Cognitive Science? You can find more information on the different degree programs under Prospective Students. If you have further questions we, the Cognitive Science mentoring team and the program coordinator and dean of studies, are happy to help you out!  

Are you an enrolled student and have general questions regarding your studies? The mentoring team is made up of Cognitive Science students who can support you with questions regarding your study experience. We are happy to hear from you or meet you at one of our consultation hours!

You can contact us via: 


The student mentoring team offers regular consultation hours during the semester, more details can be found here.

In addition to the Cognitive Science Mentoring Team, the program coordinator and dean of studies, Dr. Dr. Gregor Hörzer, can be contacted for specific questions regarding the programs of the teaching unit "Cognitive Science". In certain cases, the mentoring team or the examination office will refer you to the dean of studies.

The office hours take place on Mondays from 10-12 a.m. in room 50/306. To book an appointment, please register in Stud.IP for the course Consultation Hour Dean of Studies Cognitive Science (*) and book an appointment via the tab "Terminvergabe"/"Date allocation". When booking an appointment, please briefly state which issue you would like to discuss at the appointment.

For office hours online, please request an appointment by email.

(*) If you click on the link and get an error message, please sign in to Stud.IP first and then try again.

Examination office

The examination office is responsible for the examinations administration, for example the creation of performance overviews, certificates and diplomas. We have compiled explanations and answers regarding examination matters for Bachelor students and examination matters for Master students

For more information, please contact: 

Carla Högemann, Kelwin Maethner

Wachsbleiche 27, 49090 Osnabrück
Room: 50/E05
Tel: +49-541 969-3363

Note: When contacting the examination office by email, please provide your matriculation number and a clear indication of the subject matter in the subject line of your email.

Consultation hours in presence


Consultation hours by phone


Semester Abroad

During your studies you can do a (mandatory) semester abroad at another institution. You can find more semester abroad information and our contact details on our pages. 

Semester Abroad in Osnabrück

 If you have questions regarding your semester abroad in Osnabrück, please contact:


Administrative Office

For administrative and research issues (NO study issues), please contact Dr. Tobias Thelen:


Tel.: +49-(0)541-969-3380

IT Administration 

Students and employees please direct IT questions to:


Problems with this website? 

We are sorry you encountered a problem with our website. Please help us improve it and direct corrections and requests to: 
