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Nominated - now what?

When will I find out which place I get?


  • One to two weeks after the application deadline
  • We will then nominate you to the partner university (You will be kept up to date by email)
  • The nomination by the Cogsci Mobility Office does not replace the later official application/registration at the partner university!

When will the partner university contact me?

  • timing varies
  • a little patience is required
  • some universities do not send out registration links before May/June

When do I have to enrol/register at the partner university?


  • as soon as the partner university has sent the registration link
  • Recommendation: do not wait too long!
  • Please also check the universities' websites for information on deadlines.

Please remember that you are primarily responsible for organising your stay abroad!

What does the International Office of Osnabrück University do?

  • Makes contact (approx. in July or December)
  • Requires various documents (e.g. Grant Agreement, Learning Agreement (OLA), Certificate of Attendance, Transcript etc.).
  • Explanations and deadlines for return can be found in the approval letter

Should I apply for a semester of leave?

In most cases, it makes sense to apply for a semester of leave at Osnabrück University - the Student Secretariat at StudiOS is responsible for this.

Where can I find further information from the International Office of the UOS?

You can find all downloads relating to ERASMUS+ on the International Office website.

Online Learning Agreement for Studies

The Learning Agreement is an agreement (study contract) between the exchange students, Osnabrück University and the partner university. In the Learning Agreement, students have to enter the courses they are expected to take at the host university before starting their study abroad (Table A).

The online learning agreement can be generated in the ERASMUS+ App or on the OLA homepage.

The ERASMUS+ App can be downloaded from the App Store or the Google Play Store. Further information can be found on this website.

In the standard case, students enter the courses in "Table A: Study programme abroad" and in Table B only the following text: "distinguishing elective courses/free electives". Enter the sum of ECTS from Table A in "Total" in Table B!

Our profile-forming elective area comprises up to 33 ECTS, thus the planned 30 foreign ECTS can be fully accommodated in it. Please do not enter any courses in table B!

Independent of this guaranteed recognition of courses taken abroad in KOGW-PWB, individual courses can also be subsequently upgraded in the elective area according to the previous recognition practice. For this purpose, the students' documents have to be checked by the colleagues responsible for the individual areas of Cognitive Science and assigned to the credit points corresponding to our courses.

In addition, students can obtain a syllabus for individual courses at the foreign university location, which they would definitely like to include later in the elective area, and submit it to the colleagues responsible for the individual areas of Cognitive Science for review, so that they can already assign corresponding elective modules and credit points in advance, which will be recognized later.

If you do not discover until you are there that there is a course on offer that you would like to have recognized, you will need to complete an "Changes to the LA". Afterwards, you can use a form to have your achievements abroad recognized (How to get approval of foreign university credits (e.g., from your semester abroad).

As a rule, according to the EU, courses amounting to 30 ECTS must be completed per semester.

This (preliminary) course selection must be signed by you, your host university and the IKW.

The OLA must be sent to: Either Petra Diessel, Uwe Meyer or Sven Walter can access the inbox and will sign or decline asap.

You must independently ensure that you collect all signatures. The fully signed Learning Agreement is one of the requirements for the payment of the Erasmus grant and must be received before the start of your study abroad.

During the course of the study abroad program, at least two additional Learning Agreements must be completed and submitted: One during the semester ("During the mobility"), in which you communicate possible changes in your course selection and your planned recognition, and one after your study abroad ("After the mobility"), with your final and already completed courses.

Please find this document for detailed information.

In any case, please make sure that the Cogsci conditions apply for Table B.

ERASMUS+ on Facebook

Recognition of achievements

1. external achievements from abroad do not necessarily have to be brought in, regardless of the area in which they can be brought in if one were to bring them in. If you do not hand in a credit form for a course, you do not bring the course in at all, neither in the elective area nor elsewhere.

2. If you want to have achievements recognised, whether in the elective area or elsewhere, you have to fill in a form. For the exact procedure regarding see here.

Travel reports

In order to get an impression of a possible partner university, it is possible to read various field reports in the ERASMUS office. Often, these reports contain information about courses, accommodation, travel, etc., which is very helpful for the preparation.

After their return, participants of the ERASMUS program have to write a report about their stay abroad. It has to be handed in at the Int. Office, please also send a version in form of a pdf-file to Mrs. Dießel (


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